A collection of projects, both personal and professional, completed over my course as an artist and designer.

Convergence Theme
A custom wordpress theme developed for my updated portfolio and blog.

A mirrored mask based off of Muse’s promotional materials for their album “Will of The People” created using 3D modeling, 3D printing, and traditional manufacturing techniques.

Bluetooth Shades
A wirelessly controlled pair of RGB glasses, inspired by those used by Matt Bellamy during Muse’s Simulation Theory Tour.

HI Music Research
Spanning several projects and bouts of research, this page documents the many academic and programming endeavors undertaken in the field of interactive media and design.

A showcase of traditional charcoal and pencil illustrations with a variety of subjects.

An animated short film for which I provided lighting and animation work, helping to craft a meaningful story.

Night Shift
When night falls, a young girl finds herself in the presence of a mystical Moon Woman. After being whisked into the sky, she finds herself in a world of play and dance before waking the next morning to find it was only a dream.

AMP Design Work
Graphic and print design performed during my tenure as the Art Director for UTD’s student magazine.

Dallas Formula Racing
Electrical engineering, design, and marketing work completed for Dallas Formula Racing, UTD’s collegiate FSAE team.